So last night was pretty fun...Not!!!
My sis convinced me to go to what was supposed to be a cardio kick class at our gym. I was hesistant, being as though we had worked out already that day with my PT, Odis. But, I decided to go.
When we walk into the room, I notice all these weird names written on the mirror in order with a dry erase marker and there were only 2 ladies and an instructor, Adrienne. So we tell her "Hi" and that we are there for the cardio kick class and Adrienne says "oh, I don't do that one anymore, now I do the circuit training class." Rachel asked her what the circuit training class is and she starts spouting out the words that were written on the mirror, ex: scissor lunges, squat thrusts, burpees, chair dips, blah, blah, blah!!! I guess we looked a little dumbfounded, because she says, "let me show you how to do them" and after we'll start. Each lady starts at a station and you do the excercise of that station for 1 minute straight, then quickly move to the next, and the next, and so on.
I am already looking at Rachel and she can she that I am not excited at all. So Adrienne starts showing us these excercises like they are nothing. Keep in mind, this lady is probably 5'2 and probably weighs 100 lbs with NO body fat!!!
So we start, and I get the sit-ups station...which was not so bad. 1 min later we switch to the next and I have to do the following: Push up, pull knees to legs (quickly), stand up and jump and then back to push out position. At this point I am already ticked because Lil Miss 100lbs is just walking around the room telling us "Go", "Faster", "Get Down" as she walks to room not breaking a sweat. A minute later, I am a the tricep dips and thinking, "Are you kidding me, all of 3 minutes and I am already tired?" So I finish them and move to the next. Burpees. Has anyone ever even heard of that before? Apparently a Burpee is to get in a plank position and then bring both knees up to chest quickly and then back out, repeat over and over and over!
After that minute was up, I got up, quietly walked over to my keys, phone and bottled water, grabbed them and high-tailed it outta there!!! Circuit training is NOT for me...YET!!! Maybe 20 more lbs off of me and then maybe, just maybe!!! Give me Zumba in the meantime!!!
My sis did complete the class!!! My props to you Rachel!